First United Baptist Church will continue to host worship services weekly led by Pastor Jim Sinclair on Sundays at 10am. You may forward this information to anyone you would like to, whether they typically attend worship with us or not. We are using the Zoom conference calling service and you will be able to speak if you wish. These instructions may be used each Sunday.
See weekly emails for the Order of Worship for that Sunday (sign up to receive these below).
If you are having trouble connecting with worship, for help, please call the nearest 20-something. 😊 Seriously, though, during the service it will be difficult to trouble-shoot the problem. If you have trouble, contact Pastor Jim or Mary during the week and they will try to test it with you.
To sign up for emails or other church information, either call the church office at (978) 542-9281 or email us at [email protected]
We look forward to your presence!
You may join worship with EITHER your phone OR your computer/device.
To watch the service online, follow these directions for ZOOM access.
Admin FUBC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: FUBC's Worship Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting
NOTE: For Prayer Requests or Announcements, please either type them in the Chat box, or text them to Pastor Jim at (413) 544-8148
Join Zoom Meeting
Password is: 99
Meeting ID: 843 3243 4962
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Meeting ID: 843 3243 4962
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